Rudolph Giuliani visits Beijing to seek Olympic commercial opportunities


The former Mayor of New York Rudolph Giuliani has completed his visit to Beijing. He met with Jia Qinglin, the Chairman of CPPCC, Li Zhaoxing, the foreign minister and Wang Qishan, Beijing mayor.

Wang Qishan told Rudolph Giuliani, he welcomed Rudolph Giuliani's company to take part in Beijing 2008 Olympic game, and play role in Olympic security works. Rudolph Giuliani extended his gratitude for Wang's meeting. He made a introduction of his company and hope play an active role in security programming, safety evaluation and security investment for Beijing 2008 Olympic game.

Rudolph Giuliani made extensive communication with people in China's corporate and financial sector. He said he would encourage more American investment companies to come to China, promote more extensive cooperation in financial sector of the two countries.

Rudolph Giuliani plans to participate in World Economic Leadership Forum held by The State Guest Entrepreneurs Club in April. By then, investment companies from Wall Street and some representatives from US listed companies will take part in the forum following Rudolph Giuliani, they will discuss deeper cooperation in every field with China's entrepreneurs.

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