World Economic Leader Forum to be held in April in Beijing

(From Guangming Daily)

With the invitation of Chinese People's Institute of Foreign Affairs (CPIFA) and State Guest Entrepreneur Club of China International Industry & Commerce Co., Ltd (CIIC), Rudolph Giuliani, former mayor of New York led a group to visit China for the first time recently. As an important achievement of this visit to China, Giuliani plans to hold World Economic Leader Forum with State Guest Entrepreneur Club during his next visit to China. On the occasion, the delegates of investment companies and several American listed companies from Wall Street will come to participate in this forum with him to discuss cooperation with China's enterprises in each field. At present, State Guest Entrepreneur Club, which is a membership club for high management of the top 500 companies in the world and social celebrities, is engaged in detailed arrangement of the forum. At present, the Club is taking its advantages in embassies in China, commercial associations and enterprises to forge investment service platform and provide excellent investment and financing service for domestic enterprises.( Li Zhi)

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