Deputy president Liu Qun presents the China-Iceland
Business Seminar and makes a special speech

At the invitation of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, deputy president of Beijing International Information Park Corporation (BIIP) presented the China-Iceland Business Seminar and made a special lecture entitled "build international information industrial base and promote the development of communication information industry".

On the basis of analyzing the status quo and prospect of the development of China's information industry, deputy president Liu introduced the strategy of "one business dominating and multiple-park interaction" of BIIP and the industrial positioning and development and construction achievements. He welcomed more MNCs from Iceland and other countries to enter the International Information Industrial Base and vowed to offer top-class services to the in-park enterprises. Liu's address aroused the great interests of the attending enterprises.

Sponsored by China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, the seminar aims to enhance the exchange and cooperation between Chinese and Icelandic enterprises. At the invitation of state president Hu Jintao, visiting Icelandic President Olafur Ragnar Grimsson attended the seminar with a trade delegation.


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