Doc. Wang Tianyi, President of CIIC, meets with former

US President Mr. Bill Clinton

August 2, 2005 Mr. Clinton's Office
CIIC President Wang Tianyi paid a visit to Mr. Clinton's office

August 2, 2005 Mr. Clinton's Office
CIIC President Wang Tianyi exchange views with Mr. Clinton.

August 2, 2005 Mr. Clinton's Office
President Mr. Wang Tianyi takes a picture with former US President Mr. Bill

August 2, 2005 Mr. Clinton's Office
Former US President Mr. Bill Clinton, President Wang Tianyi and Mr.Terry McAuliffe, former Chairman of US Democratic National Committee

August 2, 2005 Mr. Clinton's Office
President Mr. Wang Tianyi and his company take a picture with Mr. Bill Clinton and Mr.Terry McAuliffe




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